Doa Ketika Turun Hujan

Indonesia is a tropical country, which means that rain is a common occurrence throughout the year. Whether it’s a light drizzle or a heavy downpour, rain can have a significant impact on our daily lives. But did you know that there are certain prayers or doa that you can recite during rainfall? These prayers are intended to protect you and your loved ones from any harm that may come with the rain. In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular doa ketika turun hujan.

1. Doa Ketika Turun Hujan Lebat

When the rain is heavy and accompanied by strong winds, it can be quite scary. The following doa is often recited for protection during such heavy rain:

“Allahumma sayyiban naafi’an.”

This doa translates to “Oh Allah, let this be a beneficial rain.” The intention behind this prayer is to ask Allah to make the rain useful and beneficial for all living beings. The word “naafi’an” means that the rain should bring benefit and blessings, and not harm or destruction.

2. Doa Ketika Turun Hujan Petir

Thunder is often accompanied by lightning during a rainstorm. If you are afraid of thunder or lightning, you can recite the following doa for protection:


This doa translates to “I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.” The intention behind this prayer is to seek protection from any harm or evil that may come with the thunder and lightning.

3. Doa Ketika Turun Hujan Reda

When the rain stops and the skies clear up, it is a sign of relief. The following doa is often recited to express gratitude and thankfulness:

“Alhamdulillahilladzi ahyana ba’da ma amatana wa ilaihin nusur.”

This doa translates to “Praise be to Allah who has given us life after causing us to die and to Him is the return.” The intention behind this prayer is to express gratitude for the rain and to acknowledge that everything comes from Allah.

4. Doa Ketika Turun Hujan untuk Kebaikan

Finally, if you want to make the most of the rain and use it for good purposes, you can recite the following doa:

“Allahumma aghitsnaa bih wa laa ta’alamnaa bih.”

This doa translates to “Oh Allah, make it a source of help for us and do not make it a source of harm for us.” The intention behind this prayer is to ask Allah to make the rain beneficial for us and to protect us from any harm or damage that may come with it.


Reciting doa ketika turun hujan is a common practice in Indonesia. These prayers are intended to protect us and our loved ones from any harm that may come with the rain. Whether it’s heavy rain, thunder, or a light drizzle, you can recite these doa to seek protection and express gratitude. Remember that everything comes from Allah, and it is important to acknowledge His blessings and seek His protection in times of need.